Tag Archives: wire free bra

Warner’s No Pinching No Problems Wire Free Front Close Bra Style RM0501A


Are you still looking for a Front Close Wire Free Bra with Regular straps as opposed to a racer back? Well, Warner’s has the solution for you and it’s their No Pinching No Problems Front Close Wire Free Bra Style RM0501A. As time moves forward it gets more difficult to find since it has recently been discontinued, however, Brody’s of Brooklyn has most sizes and colors still available to fit your needs. If you liked Warner’s 1012, 1055, Olga’s 32044, 32544, 32805 wire free front close bras this is the answer for you. The selection of sizes and colors is rapidly depleting so don’t hesitate to buy some today.

Where can I find Warner’s Elements of Bliss Style # 1003

Where can I find Warner’s Elements of Bliss Style # 1003

Warners Elements of Bliss
2 ply WireFree $32.00  Limited Supply
Style # 1003
Click to view more Warner's

Where can I find Warner’s Elements of Bliss Wire Free Bra Style # 2072

Where can I find Warner’s Elements of Bliss Wire Free Bra Style # 2072?  Is Warner’s discontinuing style # 2072?  The answer is yes, Warner’s is discontinuing this item, however, you may still buy them for a limited time and buy them on SALE at BRODY’S of BROOKLYN.

SALE on Warner’s Elements of Bliss Bra Style # 2072

This item is being discontinued so buy before they are gone

$32.00 SALE $24.99 + FREE SHIPPING and NO SALES TAX in USA

Warners Elements of Bliss
Convertible WireFree everyday t shirt bra Reg $32.00 SALE $24.99
Style # 2072



It’s Spring time and that means time to replenish your draws with some new unmentionables.

As a repeat customer we would like to inform you that the style you bought from us in the past Warner’s Elements of Bliss Style # 2072 is on SALE

Click picture or link to buy


Where do you go for Warner’s Fit to be Tried Hidden Powers Bra Style # 1046

You want to know where to find Warner’s Fit to be Tried Hidden Powers Wire-Free Bra Style # 1046                             Warner’s Fit to be Tried Hidden Powers Wire-Free Bra Style # 1046 is now available at Brody’s of Brooklyn


Warners Fit to Be Tried
Hidden Powers WireFree Reg $32.00
Style # 1046

TOLL FREE PHONE 1-877-276-3977 (1-877-BRODYSS)

Hello Ladies,


I hope you are as excited as I am to bring this item back to the market place.  We worked hard to find a way to fill the demand of this bra.  Warner’s Fit to be Tried Hidden Powers Wire-Free Bra Style # 1046.  That’s right, I said Warner’s 1046.  The best bra you ever bought!!!  We are selling this item in the United States as well as internationally.


I’m certain you have spent way too much time looking for a substitute to no avail.  Well, I’m here today to tell you that you do not need a substitute when you can buy the real thing….Life is too difficult as is and shopping for the right bra should not be a daunting task.  After all, Brody’s of Brooklyn is where the world goes for underwear.  The sophisticated consumer is what you are, so order the bra you want today!!!

Thank you for all the years of being a part of our family here at Brody’s of Brooklyn,

Thank you,

D. Brod

Warner’s Fit to be Tried Hidden Powers Wire-Free Bra Style # 1046

Warner’s Fit to be Tried Hidden Powers Wire-Free Bra Style # 1046 is now available at Brody’s of Brooklyn and ON SALE $29.50

Click picture or link below to order your Warner’s 1046


Warners Fit to Be Tried
Hidden Powers WireFree Reg $32.00 Cyber SALE $29.50
Style # 1046


TOLL FREE PHONE 1-877-276-3977 (1-877-BRODYSS)

Hello Brody’s of Brooklyn customers,

I hope you are as excited as I am to bring this item back to the market place.  We worked hard to find a way to fill the demand of this bra.  If you are receiving this e-mail it’s because you bought from us the Warner’s Fit to be Tried Hidden Powers Wire-Free Bra Style # 1046.  That’s right, I said Warner’s 1046.  The best bra you ever bought!!!  We are exclusively selling this item in the United States as well as internationally.

I’m certain you have spent way too much time looking for a substitute to no avail.  Well, I’m here today to tell you that you do not need a substitute when you can buy the real thing….Life is too difficult as is and shopping for the right bra should not be a daunting task.  After all, Brody’s of Brooklyn is where the world goes for underwear.  The sophisticated consumer is what you are, so order the bra you want today!!!

Thank you for all the years of being a part of our family here at Brody’s of Brooklyn,

Thank you,

D. Brody