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Bodyslimmers Nancy Ganz 446 Tummee-Breef is in our SPRING CLEARANCE EVENT $19.99

Bodyslimmers Nancy Ganz SPRING CLEARANCE SALE!!!!                                                                        446 Tummee-Breef MSR $26.99 CLEARANCE SALE PRICE $19.99

No Minimum for FREE SHIPPING in USA

I hope you are as excited as I am that this item is back in the market place. Bodyslimmer Nancy Ganz stands alone as the # 1 solution for your silhouette as well as functionality and comfort.  I felt honored that my opinion was requested upon the re-launch of Bodyslimmers Nancy Ganz.   The 446 TUMMEE-BREEF is on our SPRING CLEARANCE EVENT and we sell these items in the United States as well as Internationally.

I’m certain you have spent way too much time looking for a substitute to no avail. Well, I’m here today to tell you that you do not need a substitute when you can buy the real thing….Life is too difficult as is and shopping for the right panty girdle should not be a daunting task. After all, Brody’s of Brooklyn is where the world goes for underwear. The sophisticated consumer is what you are, so order today!!!


Thank you for all the years of being a part of our family here at Brody’s of Brooklyn,

D. Brody